Monsanto 'food' can

Activists who fear genetically modified ingredients could present safety hazards in the food supply have waged a successful campaign to pressure multiple states to enact GMO labelling laws. But the DARK Act and TPP could undo all the hard work of food safety activists.

It’s called the Safe and Accurate Food Labelling Act of 2015, or H.R. 1599, but activists and supporters of GMO labelling might know it better as the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, or DARK Act — a nickname it got because it would destroy state efforts to mandate GMO labelling on foods containing ingredients from genetically modified sources.

And even if the DARK Act is defeated, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the controversial international trade deal recently granted fast-track authority to pass Congress, accomplishes much the same goal.

Back in April, a Democratic Congressman shared his concerns about the TPP-Monsanto connection with Caracas-based Telesur:

“‘Call it the smoking gun,’ said Oregon Congressman Peter DeFazio. ‘Proof that fast track and massive free trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership are written by and for multinational corporations such as agriculture giant Monsanto. Instead of using trade deals as an opportunity to protect and strengthen consumer rights by joining the countries which require genetically engineered food to be labeled, this administration wants to benefit wealthy corporations at the expense of the public.’”

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