DP World Incumple Leyes Laborales Portuarias | DP World Breaks Port labor Laws

This December 7 news article is translated below. Click on the image to read the original text in Spanish.

CALLAO, PERU: After ongoing union protests, and the intervention of the Minister to DP World in overseeing the agency’s recruitment, the MINTRA (Labor and Economic Development Minister) commission has ruled in favor of dockworkers, and recognized that DP World has transgressed the law governing dockworkers by not hiring union members.

Wilmer Esteves Morales, the SUTRAMPORPC  union’s general secretary, said that after the Minister’s inspection, it was determined that the Arab transnational had hired inexperienced staff, who are not registered as the official ENAPU longshoremen.

“The inspection of the Transportation Minister has determined that DP World has hired people without minimum longshore work experience. This is an irregularity, when there are 92 jobs, and only 23 are registered. The rest have to be people trained as we have in the union,” said Esteves Morales.

It is worth noting that our newspaper got a copy of the inspection order MTPE/2/1/21 number 1807-2010, with the following points:

“We conclude that DP World Callao SRL does not comply with the provisions of the Port Labor Act, specifically with respect to Article 8: whenever, in its register of dock workers, are registered who do not meet the required work experience or with training in INFOCAP or similar institute training…”

For more information:

From Prensa Chalaca